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Mahler X Spring Baloo T&C's


Canter Banter Racing 2021/2023  

I apply to subscribe for…  5% share(s) at £1250 per share in the Canter Banter Racing – Mahler X Spring Baloo Syndicate for 2021/2022 to be run by Canter Banter Racing Ltd. No V.A.T is charged on payments to the CBR Ltd by Share Owners because these are capital contributions and not payments for goods/services.

Please return this form with either your cheque, made payable to Canter Banter Racing.

Or by BACS transfer to:

Bank Account No. 11033338

Sort Code: 60-93-03



Date of Birth :

Mobile No: 

Email : 



(a) Canter Banter Racing – Mahler X is run as a Syndicate formed in accordance with Rule 73A of the Rules of Racing.

(b) The Syndicate will comprise such number of fractional shares (“Shares”) as corresponds to the number of Shares successfully subscribed for and paid for. Each person who acquires a Share or Shares is referred to as “A Share Owner”. An applicant for one or more Shares will become a Share Owner only when his/her application for any Shares has been accepted and the full purchase price has been paid.

(c) The Rules of Racing require that a Syndicator is appointed. Katie Croft has been appointed as the “Syndicator” to manage, administer and promote Canter Banter Racing.

(d) The Syndicator shall be jointly and severally liable for any sums due from the Owner under these rules; and will be subject to all liabilities, duties and privilege of ownership. 

(e) No privilege of ownership shall attach to any participants in a Syndicate who is not a Syndicator, except for the privilege of running a horse under the name of a Syndicate. 

(f) For the purposes of these Rules, a Syndicate may not take any steps in respect of a horse in its ownership unless they are taken by the Syndicator.  

(g) The Horse will race in the colours and name of Canter Banter Racing.

(h) Canter Banter Racing will sponsor or procure sponsorship for the Horse while in training in order that the partnership can register for VAT under the Sponsorship Framework for Racehorse Owners established by the British Racing Authority.

(h) The initial share price includes the training fees which carry from 14thth September 2021 until 14th September 2022.

To clarity the initial share price is made up as follows:

  1. a) £1250 for training fees from 14th September 2021–  14th September 2022. (non refundable)


If the Syndicator considers that insufficient Shares have been sold prior to 1st November 2021 to make the Syndicate viable, then the Syndicator shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, whereupon monies paid by applicants for a Share or Shares will be refunded but without interest. 


The Syndicate, through the Syndicator, will keep the Share owners informed as to the progress of the horse through training and the races for which it has been entered. The Syndicator will arrange the Share Owners to view the Horse on nominated days and to attend race meetings.


If any instalment of the purchase price for a Share is not paid on the due date, the Company shall have the right to charge interest at the rate of 5% above the HSBC’s Base Rate on the sum outstanding until payment but, if payment has not been made within 30 days of its stated due , the Share Owner shall ( at the Company’s discretion, Canter Banter Racing Ltd.) cease to be entitled to any benefits which would otherwise accrue to it under these Conditions, the Company shall be entitled to retain all sums paid to it in respect of the relevant Share(s) and any sums thus retained by the Company shall confer upon the party who paid them no rights to a Share or receive any payment pursuant to these Conditions. 


The Syndicator (Katie Croft) shall have the sole discretion to decide upon all matters relating to the management and training and running of the horse (present and future).


The Company, and the Syndicator on its behalf, shall exercise normal care in carrying out their role under these Terms and Conditions but cannot be held responsible for matters beyond their immediate control. The Share Owners will not be liable to make any payments other than as specifically referred to in these Conditions and in the Application Form for a Share. No Share Owner shall have any claim against the Company, the Syndicator or any other member of the Syndicate in respect to any loss or injury sustained by the horse however caused. The Horse will be insured by the Owner against all risks of mortality only for such values as the Company, in its discretion, considers prudent. 



7.1 All monies paid by the Share Owners in respect of their Shares;

7.2 All prize money won by the Horse (but excluding any trophies or their value) and all sponsorship and appearance money received in the respect of the Horse.


7.3 All expenses necessarily incurred in purchasing, transporting, keeping, training, racing.

The expenditure which the Company will be entitled to deduct from the monies referred to in paragraphs 7.1 to 7.3 inclusive above shall include but shall not necessarily be limited to:-

7.4 Freight charges, keep charges, race-day expenses, purchase and sale expenses, together with the cost of financing the Syndicate by way of bank charges and any other like expenses;

7.5 £1,250 ( plus Value Added Tax thereon) to represent the Company’s costs for the day to day administration and management of the Syndicate yearly( Management Fee).

7.6 If pool monies were greater than the initial price paid for shares,  the management would be eligible to a 5% divy.

7.7 All expenses necessarily incurred by the Company and/or the Syndicator in establishing, administering, promoting and winding up the Partnership including professional fees. 

The Resulting balance shall be distributed to the Share Owners ratably according to the number of Shares held by them. The Syndicate VAT is a VAT registered entity. Normally, therefore, any VAT paid by the Syndicate should be fully refundable. 


Each participant in the Syndicate should be aware that they are bound by the Rules of Racing. Particular attention should be drawn to those Rules prohibiting the sharing of Inside Information (Rule (A) 36) and prohibiting the Lay Betting of owned horses ( Rules(E) 92 under the Rules of Racing).

9. Renewal.

The decision on the future of the Horse will be taken by the Syndicator at the end of the year’s training, 31st August 2022. 


Each Share Owner acknowledges that participation in the Syndicate is for the purpose of sharing in the enjoyment of the Horse and not for investment. 

11. LAW

The law Governing these Conditions shall be English Law. Each Share Owner hereby irrevocably submits for all purposes connected with or arising from these Conditions to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. 

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